As I look forward to this coming Sunday, I find myself thinking about not only the sacrifices my mother made, but about the sacrifices generations of mothers in my family—those I knew personally, and some I know only through family lore—made caring for their children so that I, my children, and my grandchildren could be here. And, as I see my own daughters becoming mothers, I can’t help but be emotionally stirred by women and the way in which we keep our family trees rooted, and growing.
The intertwining of each branch increases our closeness and interdependence in the most glorious ways. Entering the 'Mother's Club,' my connection to my mother and grandmothers grew exponentially. I feel the same deepening of the already strong bond with my daughters as they, too, take on the role of motherhood. With an infinite and ever-growing membership, the most important support we can receive or give our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, girlfriends, and colleagues may be found in this special forest of a club.
This is something to celebrate.
Happy Mother's Day.