Now that I'm older, those carefully arranged bouquets have turned into handcrafted cocktails. My drink, 'Warm Love' combines uplifting citrus with a touch of romantic floral. Rose buds give the featured spirit, gin, a wonderfully unique taste, while lemon gives an acidic mouthfeel and balances the sweetness of vanilla and Crème de Violette, a liqueur made from the infusion of violet flower. Cardamom adds a slight musk, and serves as a backdrop that hits moments after sipping.
1 3/4 oz rosebud-infused Four Pillars Gin
3/4 oz lemon
1/3 oz vanilla cardamom simple syrup
1/4 oz Giffard Crème de Violette*
*Optional. Violette will sink to the bottom of the drink, but will add notes of aromatic floral and a smooth sweetness as the cocktail is consumed.
Rosebud-Infused Four Pillars Gin
Add 4 rose buds to 4 oz of gin and infuse for 45 minutes to an hour. Use 1 bud to 1 oz of gin.
Vanilla Cardamon Simple Syrup
Add 1 cup organic cane sugar and 1 cup water into a pot. Add one vanilla bean stalk, poke a bit with a fork to let it sweat, and throw in a small handful of green cardamon pods. Bring to a boil and let simmer on the lowest setting for 45 minutes. Let cool before using.
The Drink
Add all ingredients into shaker and give a healthy shake. Strain into a Nick & Nora glass. Enjoy with someone special.
With more than a decade in the business of libations, Karl Steuck is an innovative cocktail creator & stylist. Follow Karl on Instagram.